Gold On Oak Leaves by Oppen, McPhee-ed


the fiftieth event of a series
to utter or pronounce
anything considered, as by personification, to be feminine
having glowing vitality; radiant


not far advanced, still usually rugged in outline
something composed, created
imparting a negative or privative force
to assume, especially at night, a state similar to the sleep of animals, marked by closing of petals, leaves, etc.
incapable of being true, as a rumor
accuracy, as in the setting, adjustment, or position of something, such as a mechanical instrument
spin, gyrate, rotate, operate.


to make splendid
an informal simplified spelling
not subject to oxidation or corrosion
flowing freely, as water
one of the strands or bundles of vascular tissue forming the principal framework of a leaf.
monetary standard and in jewellery, dentistry, and plating


something that makes things visible or affords illumination
atomic number 53, iodin, iodine, 1, ace
bewildered as to place, direction, etc.


comprehensible only to a special or ultrasophisticated group
used instead of my, your, her, etc, with parts of the body
something likened to this metal in brightness, preciousness, superiority


a similar form of radiant energy that does not affect the retina, as ultraviolet or
infrared rays
so as to be or remain supported by or suspended from
what is about to follow
occurring as a mineral, a constituent of seawater, etc.,


turbulence of the ocean or other body
to reappear continually as a spirit or ghost
the counterpart of the Akkadian Anu
moth-eaten, stale, previous, older, honest-to-god
when one's fortune is assured:
a self-luminous heavenly body


a brief or slight manifestation or occurrence; inkling; trace
a small piece of cloth, such as one torn from a discarded garment, or such pieces of cloth collectively
"to stop up chinks with lime,"
to express probability or expectation
wanting; lacking; without
unable to perform the tasks one could do when one was younger
A principle that is accepted as true without proof


disordered thoughts or utterances; incoherencies


the wood of growing trees suitable for structural uses
any predaceous freshwater fish of the genus Lepisosteus, of North America, covered with hard, diamond-
shaped scales and having long jaws with needlelike teeth.
any of various portable surfaces specially designed for indoor games such as chess, backgammon, etc
a longitudinal beam
a longitudinal ridge, as on a leaf or bone; a carina.
having ample folds
top to bottom of something regarded as one of several layers





Devotional Vodka

(after poem "Folio 2"—as suggested by Google)


Devoted to Smallville and all the squirrels who cared for me
Astound and betray, an astral projection
For example a flower, or a relational database or a letter of complaint
Metaphors, personification, hyperbole
A million little pieces of irony in his minor heart
A mistake of fact is a defense to criminal liability
What about a charity kiss for Mr. Heavenly Brainwash?
Is it a mistake to write off the Weinsteins?
Toponyms, mistaking thirst for hunger, prodigal or unfavorable
Label or negate?
Labradoodle labelmaster, acacia strain, ginger smitten
The accumulation of blood in a pleural place
Snow as a fluid within his epidermis
A map and a kiss, a mirror and a wristwatch
The crows fly like outdoor wallpaper, you are simile small
Asthenosphere, astral images darken reality
or the Athena-sphere
Heavy boots and hygiene in space Thermidor woodlands, the recurrent laryngeal nerve
Recurrence pattern is not valid
Recursive universe, split lips, spider dreams
They are a worksheet, an oracle that materializes in view
Is paranormal activity usually pink?
Literary elements, personality training, fat radishes
Favors of the moon, enchanted shooting tips
Spaceship bedding, sparklers
Use the word “sullen” in a sentence
Autism, ovulation, the zodiac, dehydration
Grease fires are signs for the unbeliever
Taken for wonders on a greasy lake
How greasy ARE those potato chips?
Are born sinners true to size? Are clams alive?
Slippy, aster


Sometimes falling is an appropriate response
Sometimes for fun I hang glide on a Dorito
Sometimes form, sometimes vessel
Forms of poetry, forms of birth control
Forms are not self-subsistent substances
The carbons of our mental status
White goat machine, the lower range of human hearing
The lower right quadrant of the abdomen


Pandora in Pottery Barn
Flipping and chipping probables, pitching on acid
Oryany studded leather hobo
Balaclava, bear or battleship
Mold infestations, mini bots
How to spell “house of bugs?’
Lanterns and leveling machines
How much air is left in the lungs after expiration?
It hurts when I walk, even heaven hurts
Sparrowdark, princesspaint, fanfiction
Cluster headaches, smiling rhino theater
Do eyelashes grow back?
Easily bruised, card tricks, sunlight and pronouns


Say “school” in German. Say “scrapbook” in Spanish. Say “science” in Japanese


Scaffolding, schema, Schematic Heaven
Gutter, shades of why, beginnings are delicate times
Dragon age, draw your own great pile of leaves
Fandango dawn, grim joggers, his orbital bone
Poptropica, dromology, an example of a nonelectolyte is…
Canvas gloss, cataracts in Catalan
Sometimes this poem wants to die
Women’s whisper bootie, Eiffel tower knee high boot, tackling dummy
Rocketfish, rocketdog, Scientist meat grows in a lab
Green thumbs in Greek mythology
The Easteralphabet or cutouts of your face
Ways the world could end, ways to keep pathogens out, ways guys flirt
The science of cartography is limited
Pickaxe through those expanded notation worksheets
Pickaxe monster hunt
Space holiday Japanese gum, her sparkler dims, uses for vinegar and gold
Nazi zombies have their hands on five red phones




Anne Gorrick is the author of: I-Formation (Book 2) (Shearsman Books, Bristol, UK, 2012), I-Formation (Book 1) (Shearsman, 2010), and Kyotologic (Shearsman, 2008). She has co-edited (with Sam Truitt) In|Filtration: An Anthology of Innovative Poetry from the Hudson River Valley (Station Hill Press, Barrytown, NY, 2015), and has a new book of poetry, A’s Visuality, coming out soon with BlazeVOX Books (Buffalo, NY). She has collaborated with artist Cynthia Winika to produce a limited edition artists’ book called “Swans, the ice,” she said with grants through the Women’s Studio Workshop in Rosendale, NY, and the New York Foundation for the Arts. She has also collaborated on large textual and/or visual projects with John Bloomberg-Rissman and Scott Helmes. She curates the reading series and co-curates (with Lynn Behrendt),
Her visual art can be seen at:
She lives in West Park, New York.