another an other a not her


                     y junked por              osity prosody
plasticine       major            ette
                                         posi        ted body the small                  lest doll at the center
          the great down         y voice                                     over bouquet
it’ll just                             worseworse
                    why don’t you         |        |        |
rot      ted                                                      carotid aspirant
debutanting a            lamecause soldier ecosystem
                     static emp     ress rolodexing
the bes                               t fruit fro               m the vine
                                         would you rather be fel       t than understood
                     each of us her an i sexed
                                          out of a placenamed                       life
          a drop in the buc                              ket still ma    kes a sound




Carleen Tibbetts is the author of several chapbooks, most recently to exosk(elle), the last sugar (Zoo Cake Press, 2015). Recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Journal Petra, Forklift Ohio, Small Po[r]tions, The Laurel Review, TYPO, H_NGM_N, and The Offending Adam, among others.