







[the following poems are from a poetic sequence titled Platonic Solids: Tiny Landscapes]


I’m offering you this view into my ribcage. A recreation of
an historical storm. Suddenly I’m miles away. Soaring. And
my body feels so small. Smaller than that.




What I come back to first is an audible silence. Tacit
knowledge. That opens the wound. Like a little city that
has always been home to me.

Then. A flood. An emphatic field. Of light. If I close my
eyes. If all else fails. My photographic memory.




I only wanted two things. New visual arrangements.
Freedom from gravity. You as my closest collaborator.
Three things.

With you rather than beside. Rather than at the limits,
at the intersection of.




At a center point. Around which the whole. I find myself
apologizing for every symmetrical composition. From
any angle. The universe is a symmetry of equations and
pentagonal surfaces. At each vertex, a meeting.

Barring momentary glitches, now is now. Earth singing
beneath my feet. My hands.

Heidi Reszies is a transdisciplinary artist living in Richmond, Virginia. Her poetry has appeared in journals including BOAAT, Dream Pop Press, Fog Machine, Forklift Ohio, GRAMMA, LEVELER, Salt Hill, SUSAN/the Journal, and Queen of Cups. She is the author of two chapbooks: Recollections & Reenactments (Zoo Cake Press, 2017) and Flowering Parts (Artifact Press, 2017). Her full-length poetry collection Illusory Borders is forthcoming from The Operating System in 2019.